Oops. An Update!

So you remember that time I wasn’t hungry?

Weirdest. Day. Ever. It lasted only one day and I was RAVENOUS the next. Which is good because I was worried. I like food. That’s a lie. I LOOOOVE food.

So the day after not being hungry, I ate anything I could get my mouth on and realized – I need sweets. I enjoy cheese and bacon and veggies but sometimes, a girl needs sweets. Thank goodness for Ocean State Job Lot! (That is not an affiliate link. It’s just a link to Ocean State Job Lot.)

For anyone outside of the New England and parts of Eastern NY area, Ocean State Job Lot doesn’t exist. I’m really sorry for you. I fell in love with them when I lived in RI and screamed with glee when they opened a store in Schenectady. Nobody understood why. I’m used to that. Job Lot is similar to Big Lots or any other discount retail store until you get to their food section. They introduced me to Bob’s Red Mill products and they don’t charge a billion dollars for the products (I’m looking at you, local supermarket).

So I went into Ocean State Job Lot to get some blanched almond flour because I was feeling too lazy to make my own. I was accosted by Walden Farms chocolate syrup. Chocolate. Syrup. No carbs. Once again, I screamed with glee. Once again, nobody understood why.

I am weird about sugar free items. Back in the ’80s when Aspartame was introduced, all my little teen friends discovered diet soda…I tried to fit in. I really did. But diet soda gave me a nasty headache. I’ve avoided diet anything since I was a teenager. I was worried about how the chocolate syrup would taste and if it would hurt my head. But mostly about the taste. Come on. Chocolate. Nobody needs foul tasting chocolate.


I am happy to report, it is yummy. It was perfect on my cream cheese pancakes. As you can see, I also bought a bag of Swerve sweetener.

Interestingly enough, those pancakes are the only sweet item I’ve had since starting keto. I was craving sweets but I suspect the craving was mostly mental because I had not yet learned how to have sweets and stay keto.

So that’s my food talk.

I ran a 5K on March 30. I hate running. I didn’t die. That’s a plus.

I’m still doing Power 90. It’s Week 2 and I love that the workouts are short.

Wow. That looks even lamer when I type it out.




This is Not A Test

Look! I came back. I’m pretty impressed.

So we left off on Day 4 of The Great Keto Experiment.

Day 5 was mellow. I think I was recovering from TurboKick Thursday. Mentally clear, good mood, but still mellow. The happy uptick was discovering seltzer. I love seltzer. Polar Seltzer to be specific. I even tested my ketones (with urine strips) and it doesn’t seem to impact ketosis. That is a huge win. I love water but I miss flavor. But, I’m a weirdo who avoids sweeteners.

Day 6 was Saturday. Saturday is Pizza Day. I have a special love for pizza. OK, it’s not a special love. It’s flat out gluttony. So I discovered fat bread (?) or fat head? I don’t know. It was half a brick of cream cheese, 2 cups shredded mozzarella, 1 egg, and 3/4 cup almond flour. It did not spread out or get greasy, which was a happy surprise. I baked it for 10 minutes before topping it. It held up surprisingly well.

Today is Sunday, Day 7. I have not lost any weight. I will take some measurements today. I plan to do this for at least one more week.

I Dream of Pizza

Seriously. The weirdest dream ever.

In my dream, I had moved to a new house (I don’t know where and that came out of nowhere because we’re not moving) and my local Beachbody Shakeology Coach had stopped by with Shakeology and a pepperoni pizza. I was still anti-Shakeology in the dream, so I know it’s not the early stages of dementia but I was all over that pizza.

Dream me flipped the cardboard lid, took a moment to really enjoy the greasy-salty-tangy-cheesy aroma, and bit into a slice…Which Dream Me promptly spit out because she’s doing Whole30, too. Then the dream became anxiety over whether I needed to start all over. But by then, my Dream Teenager had grabbed the pizza box and gone pretty feral. Dream Husband was not there. He totally missed out.

Now the fun part. When I woke up, I thought: “Crap. Now I have to start the Whole30 from Day 1.”


Please note – The dream happened as Day 13 was transitioning to Day 14. I’m such a statistic.

That’s all I have. I needed to share my brain droppings.

Have a beautiful day!

Playing With Recipes

Plank Update: I lasted 3 days. Note to self – I’m not really a 30 day challenge type of person.

New Toy: I found an online calorie calculator that allows you to copy and paste your recipe (one ingredient per line) and it calculates the calories per serving!

This recipe is a sweet potato with spinach and chicken and a dash of Frank’s Red Hot.

I think this would be a perfect lunch idea. I can prep the chicken and sweet potatoes in advance. I’m great with breakfast and dinner foods and I don’t really snack but I’m falling down on the job when it comes to lunches. Ugh.

Here’s the comparison…I’ve been having peanut butter and honey sandwiches for lunch…I know! I’m worse than a toddler!

Oh my gosh! Are you as horrified as I am?! I kind of guessed on the peanut butter and honey measurements. Because by the time lunch rolls around? I am hungry. Wow. Definitely time to make a change!